Saturday, April 4, 2009

Feeding Your Tropical Fish

By John Wu

If you are considering setting up that new aquarium in your house so you can enjoy the beauty and lush colors of tropical fish, you should learn all you can about how to feed these tropical fish. Tropical fish have special dietary needs; it's important the you feed them the right food to unsure they stay healthy and long lived.

Unfortunately, there is no single type of food that tropical fish eat; the food requirements depend upon the species of tropical fish in question. It's up to you to inform yourself of the specific dietary needs of your tropical fish.

Different species of fish will require different kinds of fish food. Fortunately, there are many types of fish food available in the stores, both online and physical. There major types of fish food are as follows: flakes, pellets, staked food, live food, and frozen dead fish food. Many kinds of tropical fish will require a very specific type of food while other types can thrive off a mixed and varied diet.

As the fish owner, you will be responsible for finding out what type of food to feed your fish. If you feed the wrong type of food to your tropical fish, you could kill them, so be careful. You should without a doubt do a good deal of research before actually going out and purchasing a tropical fish!

Several types of tropical fish must be fed at certain times and in certain manners. You can make your life much easier by acquiring tropical fish with similar dietary requirements - this way you can use a single type of food and lessen your work load! It's important to find out what type of feeder your fish is, be it omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore. This will completely determine what kind of fish food to feed your fish. If you keep a mixture of different kinds of tropical fish, you need to have the right food on hand to feed them.

You should take some time to notice what sections of your tank your fish gravitate to when they start to feed. With careful observation you should be able to notice whether they are top feeds which stay and linger near the surface or bottom feeders. This too is important to keep in mind when you select the best tropical fish food for your fish; if you happen to have bottom feeders, you want the food to sink to the bottom quickly, so the bottom feeding fish will eat!

Some fish are night feeders; you will need to turn off all lights (including any blinking lights on aquarium instruments) so the fish will feed.

Unfortunately, feeding your tropical fish can be a bit of a challenge; however, this challenge can be overcome with thorough and proper research on your part. The key thing to know is that you need to make sure you are feeding your tropical fish the best food possible.

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