Thursday, April 2, 2009

French In Three Months Using Audio books

By Erik Q. Astrand

Now, I did take French in school. However, I was hardly the best student; I really didn't consider learning French to be terribly important. I didn't see myself needing to use the language.

How dead wrong I was.

I was sent to France for work; I found myself wishing Id paid attention in my French classes. Its not that easy to find someone in France who speaks English fluently, it turns out. You'd have better luck finding a Finnish speaker in Portugal (well, almost).

Since I spoke hardly and French, the trip was something of an ordeal for me. I resolved never to return and definitely never to learn the language!

But on getting back home, my boss told me I would be going back in 3 months. This time I would stay longer. There and then I made a commitment to myself to learn French before the 3 months was up.

I happen to be a big fan of audio books, so I ran out and picked up a bunch of downloadabel French language classes. I listened to them in the car, at home and on my iPod as I rode the train to work each morning. I immersed myself in the material.

At first it didn't sink in; but within a few weeks, I found myself starting to catch on with these French language audio books. I found the English translations of French words and phrases to be extremely helpful.

You wouldn't believe it but gradually I picked up and was able to speak a significant amount of French just 6 weeks after. You can imagine the surprise on the face of my boss when, 10 weeks later, I spoke French to her without mixing it with a single word of English!

She asked how Id done it; I explained that Id been using audio books in my effort to learn the language. She was very impressed with my initiative and made me the head of the company delegation for the French trip! She told the rest of the group to pick up the same audio lessons Id used and start studying as I had.

My second trip to France went much better, needless to say. I could speak pretty passable French and Id done it all without taking classes, hiring a tutor or even looking at a French tutorial book!

I did this in just three months with French lessons in audio book form. The most amazing thing about all of this, really is that I accomplished this without cutting into my free time. I listened to the courses when I was already doing something else.

If I could do this within 3 months, I am certain anyone else can do it too. If there is any language you would love to learn, follow my footsteps and you will be pleasantly surprised what can happen in just 3 months, with the power of audio books.

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