Friday, May 1, 2009

Rewire Your Brain to Create Your Own World

By Asara Lovejoy

We are so filled with mis-beliefs. In fact, they are way off base. There are many that we do not even know how we got. However, they are there none the less.

Our life beliefs are downloaded between the ages of zero and five. During this period of time we are unguarded and absorb information quickly and easily. We are unblocked by the information that we have gained later in life. The very beliefs we pick up at this young age are the same beliefs we will hold throughout our life.

Our mistaken beliefs include but are not limited to: people cant be rich and spiritual, everyone in our family is overweight, life begins after retirement, my vote doesnt count, and so on.

Would you like to be able to rid yourself of the misbeliefs and replace them with positive beliefs like I am one smart cookie? I can have, do, or get anything that I want, I love and appreciate myself can easily replace those misbeliefs you have held onto for years. Say to yourself, I dont know how I make smart decisions, I only know I do Now, and I am fulfilled! Once you have made that statement, known as The One Command, this one statement is all you have to do. You are now blessed and fulfilled. You have released yourself from your addiction.

Yes, thoughts and beliefs can be addictions just like ice cream, or cigarettes, or even running. Be Aware. Know that you have thousands of addictive thoughts and beliefs that not only don't serve you, they also block you from your good. Release Yourself. Be free, and know how to keep yourself that way. With The One Command, you can even free yourself from thoughts you don't even know you have. I don't know how, I release all thoughts that don't serve me, I only know I do now, and I am fulfilled or I don't know how I forgive myself for my past mistakes, I only know I do now, and I am fulfilled.

When utilizing The One Command, do not be alarmed if negative thoughts surface. That does not signify you have failed but rather that you have set free those negative thoughts to your conscious mind. Release these new negative thoughts one at a time. Thoughts travel in packs and feed off each other. By the time you get rid of two or three of them the rest will probably dissipate as well. You now have literally changed your way of thinking and thus your life.

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